Come... Rest a While

This is My Father
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This is My Father

This is my Father, is simply the sound of my heart, as I contemplate Him and everything about Him. It was born when I heard others speak of Him in ways that they did not understand. I believe these ‘others’ have heard of Him, but never got to know Him.


My Father is no doubt the one who created me and existed long before I did, Yes He existed before He made a dwelling place for me (this earth) My Father thought of me and all my fellow humans and charted a beautiful blueprint and from it, we now exist. Part of the blue print contained a section within my being, which allowed for nothing else but my Father’s existence alone. That is, my Father created within me a place where I could rest, a place where I could find peace. That’s all. It is simply a place for peace and rest. It is somewhat like a cylinder, or a shape that can only enclose its own. I have tried to fit this ‘cylinder’ with other shapes unlike its own, but it afforded no peace and rest. No, only my Father and I meet there in spirit, and when we do, there is peace and rest.


Do you understand? The end of all things is my Father. So, when I am discouraged, depressed, lonely, alone, afraid, restless, worthless, hurting, unwanted, where will I go? I will go back to the quiet place; the ‘cylinder’. I will find rest and peace there only. I will not find rest and peace in more food, or cigarettes, or drugs, or perhaps work, alcohol, spending, and others. And neither will I find rest and peace in my riches, my possessions, my success, my status or my security. They may temporarily relieve, or remove the intensity of my situation, or they may alter my mood, but they will not give me rest and peace.


You ask: “What is so special about your Father?” Well, for that reason I am writing. I will lift Him above all else, and you will understand why, when you continue to read. Let me add one more thing. I firmly believe that the quiet place, or the ‘cylinder’ or more properly, the spirit of a person, which can contain only peace and rest, will perpetually search for these very things if they are absent. The absence of them will cause our next move, whether it is getting up in the morning, performing our daily routines, searching for information, anything at all. When the task is completed, yet rest and peace not found, we would continue the search, . . . continue the search, . . . continue, the search . . .


My Father is the end of all things. My Father is the end of the search.


I first learned of my Father when my parents taught me the ways of God, as well as they knew how. I learned that without God I was lost. I learned that, through disobedience on the part of Adam and Eve, our first parents, all the relationship between them and the Father was severed. (the meaning of lost) It simply, no longer existed.

I learned that disobedience hindered such a relationship as was first intended. And we have all witnessed the fact that evil or wrongs exist in our being. For I learned that disobedience did not only pertain to Adam and Eve, but also to me. The inclination to do that that is wrong outdoes that which is right. Who will correct it? What will correct it? Now I will tell you of my Father.


My Father was there, when it first happened. The disobedience of His loved creation of those whom He chose to befriend and have fellowship with (an old word for wanting to be together, and doing things to together, and spending time together, and simply be the greatest friends). I believe it greatly grieved Him. (For though He is a Spirit, and has no human body as such, He yet chose to relate to us in ways that we could understand; emotions) But as He had intended this fellowship before the blueprints were made up, as it were, so He intended to restore it as it was. He chose us, as His most precious piece of His creation above all else; yes He put us in charge of all the rest of it. The animals, the fishes and the birds of the air,


Well, let me tell you of my Father. I found Him to be One who is faithful. That which He set out to do, He really did. I found Him to be One who could be trusted. Simply that, One who could be trusted. He said He loved us… He proved it. He showed us by sending His Son, who took the consequence of our sin upon Himself. He gave His life on the cross as a ransom or as a sacrifice or as a gift so our lives could be restored in communion with the Father. The Son as well showed the love by being the sacrifice. But there is more. He taught me faith. Faith is or are the eyes of my soul. With them I see what is impervious to my physical eyes. I see God with spiritual eyes called faith. The Father said: “If you come to me you must do so in spirit and with integrity or honestly.” Our worship or adoration of Him is also in spirit. Yes, my Father said again: “Obedience (a spiritual response) is better than sacrifice (a physical response). My Father taught me that obedience to His law (the law of love) was a heart matter first. Physical things will not prove love. Words without tests especially do not prove love. But living out His description of love in Corinthians 13 alone will pass the test.


This is my Father: He proved to be One who really cares


I asked one day, “Lord, who are You”?


The response I received was not a short clear answer such as “I am God, the King of kings, creator of heaven and earth” etc., but it came in a unique way, even so that I have continued to make that my daily request: “Lord, who are You”?


I found that when I was discouraged, and looked inward for a way out, there were only the reminders of failure and inadequacy. When afterwards, in the quiet place I went to the King, and with the eyes of faith trusted Him, just trusted Him, a new hope returned and the discouragement left. It was then that I realized the answer to my request. “Lord, who are You”? . . .  “I am the Lord that encourages you and gives you hope”


I found that when I was in need, and looked for ways to meet the need, there were only the reminders of failure and inadequacy and the everyday rat race. When afterwards, in the quiet place I went to the King, and with the eyes of faith trusted Him, just trusted Him, a new hope returned and the needs were met. It was then that I realized the answer to my request. “Lord, who are You”? . . .  “I am the Lord that provides for you”.


I found that when I wanted to serve the King and bring people to the Lord, and find ways to make that happen, I only found resistance and frustrations, and wondered why there was no great blessing on my efforts. When afterwards, in the quiet place I went to the King, and with the eyes of faith trusted Him, just trusted Him, a new hope returned and the blessings followed. It was then that I realized the answer to my request. “Lord, who are You”? . . .  “I am Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser”. “I am the Vine and you are the branches; he who abides in me (perpetual trusting, nourished and strengthened in the quiet place) and I in him, brings forth fruit, much fruit and the Father is glorified (which is no less than the display of His majesty). You see, I learned that it is the Father who cares for the Vine, the branches and the fruit of the branches. I cannot produce fruit; I bear the fruit for I am a branch. The fruit is the result of the Spirit flowing through me, because I am connected to the Vine. The Vinedresser delights in much fruit and is therefore glorified.


One more I write. “Lord, who are You”? . . .  “I am the Visitor, who comes to enjoy your company”, for through Revelation 20:3 he taught me: “behold, I stand at the door and I knock . . . if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and sup (the ancient cultural way when fellowship occurred) with him and he with Me”


So I am learning, little by little in answer to my question “Lord, who are You”? What a wonderful and loving Father He is.

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His love is the theme of my song