Faith takes me to an unseen place
Where things and matter don’t exist
And natural eyes are in this case
Of no avail and can’t assist.
Faith takes me to the heart of God
And lets me in His presence dwell.
There by His Spirit I am taught.
The mysteries that I will tell.
It’s faith that takes away my strife
And in it’s stead; a tranquil peace,
A resting place, abundant life
Is promised when my strivings cease.
Into His kingdom, faith brings me
Where righteousness always prevails.
And all these ‘other’ things
will be
Added thereto. It never fails.
When in this kingdom, heavenly,
His name I honour, always love;
The will of God, I’ll clearly see
On earth be done, as ‘tis above.
But may I ask, “What is Thy will,
That on this earth will be displayed?”
“A love, that’s unconditional;
Union with Me, the ransom paid.”
“A cup of water in My name;
The fatherless and widows know:
That love is sure, your heart’s aflame!
When to their place of need you go.”
“Behold, I stand outside and knock.”
“So when you hear me: open up,
Invite me in, your heart unlock--
I’ll enter in and with you sup.”
“That daily bread I will provide;
Prepare a table for you here.”
“Draw near to Me, in Me abide;
I am the bread of life; come near.”
“Owe no one anything but love;
Forgive them all else which they owe.”
“And so the Father from above
Forgives you for all wrongs below.”
But see, at kingdom’s entrance waits
The prince of darkness in disguise;
Angel of light, he immitates;
He questions truth and calls it lies.
“Oh, has God said?” his fav’rite
And causes doubt within my heart.
I wonder if that kingdom’s mine?
Therin, do I have any part?
Press on! And strive to enter in.
The battle rages at this gate.
The King awaits you from within.
The conquered foe: he knows his fate.
This heav’nly kingdom, it is Thine!
As well as all its awesome pow’r
Your glory too; splendour divine
Displayed to me at ev’ry hour.
Oh! glorious freedom, Jesus gives!
As promised long ago, “I’ve
To bind hearts broken, free captives
To heal the blind, the lame, the dumb.
Faith lets me all these wonders see
And from my earthly cares ascend
O marvelous truth: I am set free
To serve the King; and without end!
a Casey Overbeek, Dec 2004